Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dear GOD....

Ok let go of the small stuff to us--what is small to us may be HUGE to others and we all need to recognize!!

Hey , I could make a rap song with those words.....

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Number 1 Grandson....

I miss you little buddy!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008



Family...that loves you!!!

COREY...IF YOU ARE READING THIS....WHO ARE YOU? WHY HAVE WE NOT EVER MET YOU ? Listen, Frank and I have lived rough lives from making terrible do not come with books ya know....

July 12,2008 Rheanan AKA-Freebird!

Ok people-Take a good look a this picture. Seems happy, grounded, and somewhat confident in her 25 yrs. But ...beware, this is a freebird-someone that may appear to need your help or even the beauty of her face may take you by surprise so be on the lookout... this freebird needs your help but not in the way you think. This freebird may think she has fallen thru the cracks of this evil world , passed over by the good thats still seeping and soaring all around her, but no! This freebird has a PRAYIN' MAMA... and a Forgiving GOD that awaits with open arms for her to fall HIS way.... I REFUSE TO STAND IN THE WAY OF THAT!!!! RHEANAN- get's gona hurt , but the end -HE has a purpose for all of us, a plan, a way-I HOPE YOU CHOOSE IT.....

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Workin' on my DASH today!

Spent 10 hrs at the ER last night- thought my bladder had fell. Drank some yummy contrast and they poked me 5 times just to get an IV started.

They called Dr. Budayr and all tests stopped... like he had something to tell me. Follow-up is Monday @ 11:15 I guess I will know more then. I will not worry about it....

Workin' on my "dash" today!!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

My daughter

This one's for Jeremy ....

Praying for My daughter today!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Whatever things are pure and good...think on these!

Ok the day is here to follow instructions for surgery and it will be dreaded. I am having the most vivid dreams ...they must be from medicine.

Think of good things, pure and matter what the outcome....

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Seasons of our lives , shape us into folks that are able to share knowledge of roots , fruit, growth, and the dreaded dirt....if we are humble enough to admit it.

I have many gifts from God bestowed on me from Him... not sure if "foot in mouth" is one that helps anyone else but And for that I am grateful!

Friday, May 2, 2008


This is my daughter Rheanan. She was named after the famous song sung by Fleetwood Mac. Yea Yea... I know that makes me old, but I am a woman of my word. I was young and I swore I would name my girl this. What I did not know was it would cause many problems in school with spelling it, or that as I learned the words of the song, that it was about a witch!

Well- as you can see ...she is far from looking like one and I can tell you her heart is one of gold! She would give you the shirt off her back and feels very deeply about many things that are wrong in the world.


This is my number 1 grandson Cameron. I met him long time ago and he stole my heart. He speaks spanish and has a biological dad that lives in Florida that also loves him very much. He is a blessed kid and hopefully many people will be available to him when he grows to need guidance in this crazy world. He is my inspriation in life....


This is Jenn, Roger's girl, Caleb's mom, my daughter-in-law and the best thing to happen to our family. She and I have the same birthday and probably the same personality type. She is stunningly beautiful ,a great mom and is a mom to my other number 1 grandson I call him Cameron.....


Meet Roger, my son, Caleb's dad... He is a bear! Roger is in love with his son and Caleb ...well.
Roger has had some rough days from some rough ways ...but we all have to learn our own way!
Here are my other 2 babies: Frank, my husband (together 22 yrs) and Caleb , grandson 9 mos. They are like peas in a pod together. Frank is so reserved and quiet , until Caleb comes around. If there was anyone that makes him smile... It's Caleb! It is a sight to see...


Ok, this is my baby now ...Gizmo. She is what greets me with unconditional love oh so close to Christ it is perfect...
The kids are grown and moved out and it is all I can do to keep the only room I have vacant with just the computer in it! lol (Truthfully...there will always be room for our children)
Meet Gizmo!!!